Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Mommy, Daddy, me and some of our friends took a train to a pumpkin patch. It was fun. It was such a beautiful day. We saw scarecrows, a goose, and lots and lots of pumpkins. There was lots of hay type grass that we threw at each other too.

...and some more

What is this thing and why is he looking at me like that...
Maybe I should give him a kiss.
Look what I found

Me and my buddy Alex with our pumpkins!

...and just a few more!

This is the train we were on...
Daddy and I singing on our way home.

Daddy being silly.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


We went to Ikea last week and mommy and daddy bought me this new down filled blanket for the winter. It looks like I like it.

I am so proud of myself. Look what I can do. Daddy and mommy are proud of me too. I was able to stack 12 blocks high when mommy moved them to the table. I am good.

More Gymboree Pics


Mommy takes me to Gymboree every Thursday. I love it there. Here I am playing with my friend Jullian. His mommy and my mommy are friends too.
I love throwing all the balls and at the bottom of this bucket are 8 balls, now if I can only get inside of it.

Going in.....
Coming out!

Im a dancing machine

Boys will be boys!

We have know clue what this is but mommy is not liking the warm weather cause it is bringing out the bugs. Daddy and I are having fun with them.


When we were coming back from the garbage mommy saw this bug and took a picture. It was so big that daddy had this great idea to put me beside it so you could see how big it was. Daddy didn't realize that I thought it was cool and decided to grab it. You could hear mommy scream for miles away. Then she got mad at daddy for putting me up there. I thought it was so cool.

This is what daddy let me pick up. Now you know why mommy screamed.
Praying Mantis.

Daddy had a day off so mommy and I took him on our daily walk. Daddy didn't believe mommy when she said the horses were really friendly, but he found out at my expense.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

A skate with the Hershey Bears season ticket holders

My dad is so famous. I want to be just like him when I grow up.

Alex Cassivi and I watching our daddies playing hockey!

My Saskatchewan Family

I miss you and love you guys! You to Uncle MIKE.

Some of my FAVORITE people in the world

Great Grandpa Busby
Uncle Chaddy reading to me
Uncle Duck giving me snuggles

Auntie Bulie and cousin Liam having some quiet time

Auntie Stacey letting me take a nap on her
