Thursday, December 27, 2007

Playing with my new favorite toy that Uncle Duck got me for Christmas.

Uncle Duck mommy says its not the quietest toy. Did you plan that.

Putting all my toys together...

Christmas morning

Don't tell mommy but I am eating some of the candy that Santa put in my stocking.

Let me in here.

Hitting the sites in Washington D.C.

This is the Capital Building.

The tall monument between uncle Duck and daddy is the Washington Monument. It is the tallest building in Washington standing at 555 feet tall.

Uncle Cb getting in trouble for going where he shouldn't be going. HAHA. He was just asking for directions but he sure had mommy and daddy scared cause they didn't know what he was doing.

The Washington Monument again. This was the only time the sun came out all day.

And this is the White House. Pretty cool.

Spending time with my uncles

The second night that Uncle Duck and Uncle CB were in Hershey we had a major ice storm. Here is a tree in the morning, covered in ice.

We were out of power for hours and hours. Mommy lit a bunch of candles so we could try and see each other. Thank God for propane stoves cause my uncles made mommy cook them supper. It was really good considering she did it by candle light.

Oh boy....what was mommy thinking asking them to change my diaper. I must say it was pretty funny but they did a good job.

Uncle CB, daddy and me watching Mickey Mouse before I went to bed. This is in Washington.

I am just like my uncle Duck. As soon as the truck starts moving, out we go.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Caps Game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Watching daddy play.

Go Daddy Go!!!!!!!!!

Ya Daddy scored his first NHL goal and it was the game winner.

A sign that the fans made for daddy and hung it up at the next game.

Oh boy look how happy we are for daddy or should I say how happy mommy looks!

Washington, D.C

Looking out the window of daddy's apartment. We were on the 13th floor. Mommy didn't like the number we were staying on.

Visiting the White House

The big Christmas Tree in front of the White House and the Washington Monument on the right

I loved watching the birds. Mommy bought some bird feed and I got to go out and feed them.

Our first Snow fall. We didn't get very much.

Love the skin your in....

I just love being naked and sitting on the couch watching TV...

But seriously mom one more picture and I might just kick you.

Playing Hockey with my DADDY!